by Virginia
This issue of TRANSVESTIA finishes our fourth year of publication--somewhat to your Editor's sur- prise I must add in all honesty. The next issue will start our fifth year and this calls for a reappraisal of the job that the magazine has done and is doing, with an eye to finding out how it can do that job bet- ter. An Editor's job is a somewhat thankless one, it seems, in that rather than not being able to fool all the people all the time as Lincoln said, he is not able to pleast all the readers all the time.
Readers of TRANSVESTIA differ among themselves in several general ways; 1) Some are still in locked rooms living a furtive, fear-ridden life, unable to communicate with anyone and much worried about their "problem", while others have achieved a measure of self acceptance and even acceptance from others such as wives; 2) Some are unfortunately of too masculine a build to ever go out or to show themselves to other than sister TVs, while a few get into the outside world from occasionally to frequently; 3) Some are capable of a degree of intro- spection into their inner selves and thus have been able to come to some conclusions about TV on their own, while others are not gifted with insight and look else- where for enlightenment and guidance; 4) Some are still in the fetish-compulsive stage while others have begun to recognize and to build femmepersonalities, and their are other dividing lines. What this means to me as your Editor is that I have to try with each issue to have something which will prove of interest, help or enter- tainment to all these diverse types. This is not easy.
So now is the time to take aim at Virginia. Word reaches me in various ways that there are a number of complaints being made about my about my management and